
Guide to Family Beach Photos on Oak Island, NC

Your Guide to Family Beach Photography on Oak Island, NC or Holden Beach, NC Photographers and other beaches! Does your family love the beautiful look of family beach photos? But maybe you're not sure how to go about setting them up? Well, we've got some guidance for you! Snapp-Shot Photography is a fantastic choice for capturing those magical moments by the beach. They make the whole experience easy and enchanting, from start to finish! If you are in the Oak Island, NC Coastal area, give them a shout! However if you are not in their area, by all means enjoy this blog with helpful hints of how to go about booking your Family Beach Photos. *All Photography Copyrighted by: Snapp-Shot Photography STEP ONE: FIND YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER STEP TWO: CONTACT THE PHOTOGRAPHER STEP THREE: GET GOOD VIBES FROM THE PHOTOGRAPHER STEP FOUR: BOOK YOUR SESSION STEP FIVE: FIND A PHOTOGRAPHER WHO HELPS WITH WHAT TO WEAR STEP FIVE: ENJOY YOUR SESSION & IMAGES First things first, finding the right photographer is key. And Snapp-Shot Photography excels in this department. They are warm, friendly, and provide helpful guidance right from the first email. They really make you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process. Having a team or duo of photographers can also make a big difference. While solo photographers are great, having two photographers, especially if they're a husband and wife team like Snapp-Shot Photography, ensures a smoother experience. They offer different perspectives, help with posing, and are great at capturing the attention of little ones. Finding a photographer who provides a fashion guide of what to wear for family beach photos is a big bonus! We found that Snapp-Shot Photography provided a beautiful guide of what to wear to all of their clients. This Link is to their "Sneak-Peek Blog of What to Wear" the full version is only provided to confirmed clients. I have also written my own version of what to wear for beach photosinspired by Snapp-Shot Photography Another important factor to consider is a photographer who offers a full refund for rain. The beach weather can be unpredictable, so you don't want to be stuck with a cancelled shoot and a hole in your pocket, Snapp-Shot Photography checks this box by providing a full refund if rain interferes. To us, this is a very important factor when choosing a family beach photographer! *All Photography Copyrighted by: Snapp-Shot Photography Experience matters too! Snapp-Shot Photography brings over 18 years of experience to the table, giving you peace of mind when choosing them for your family beach photos. Waiting too long to receive your photos can be a bummer. That's why Snapp-Shot Photography stands out by delivering sneak-peeks within one day and all the images within three days. You won't have to wait weeks and weeks to relive those special beach memories! And here's a fun bonus: Snapp-Shot Photography offers prints and other products through an online shop. No need to go to a physical store when you can

By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: NC Lifestyle|0 Comments

Plant Lover Gifts

Looking for Plant Lover Gifts? You've come to the right blog! I'm a plant lover and I love gifts. I love getting them and receiving them and thought what a perfect way to help others by sharing my fun list of gift ideas for plant lovers. Some of which are on my wish list, some on my to give list and some I already own! Gifts for Plant Lovers! As a plant lover myself, I'm constantly on the look out for both fun and useful plant supplies, products and gifts. It's taken me years to figure out the best products for my houseplants and garden plants. I'm often asked, what type of soil I use, what type of fertilizer, and of course what are my all time favorite houseplants! Then of course there is always the question of what should I give a plant lover as a birthday gift or as a Christmas gift? Well for me it's a no brainer, as I always have a list in my head of items I'd love to receive as a gift! I'm finally taking the time to share it with you my fellow plant lovers! Plant Lover Gifts ... My Top 3 Faves! Pilea Peperomioides Plant (other wise known as the Friendship Plant) Perfect Gift! I adore these plants so much that I have written several blog posts dedicated to beloved Pilea Plants. AIR PLANT (Tillandsia Xerographica) I have many air plants I love, however this is my FAVE! GLASS GLOBES FOR AIR PLANTS I love these globes for my smaller air plants! IF INTERESTED, HERE ARE EASY LINKS TO MY TOP 3 FAVE PLANT LOVER GIFTS! PLANT CARE GIFTS Alongside being a plant lover, comes plant care! Plant care gifts are always a hit for plant lovers! It not only saves them money, it may also introduce a product they have not yet tried, which is always super exciting! My absolute FAVE Soil: I've tried so many soils for my beloved Pileas, African Violets & other house plants and I always come back to this tried and true favorite of mine. It has always arrived clean, free of pests and my plants adore it! I am NEVER without THESE: As a plant lover, unfortunately comes pests! The dreaded fungas gnats. I have a blog featured all about these nasty little critters. I buy these sticky traps in bulk, however they are also offered as one. In addition to the two items listed above that I never am without, there are of course a bunch of other plant care gifts of which I used to care for my much loved house plants!

By |November 3rd, 2021|Categories: Garden, House Plants|0 Comments

What is a Cucamleon

What is a Cucamelon you ask? Cucamelons also known as Mexican Sour Gherkins are Tiny Melon Shaped Fruit. These cuties are somewhat unknown to many, however I'm here to tell ya all about them! What is a Cucamelon? Cucamelons are also known as Mexican Sour Gherkins and Mouse Melons! That's right...Mouse Melons! Cucamelons are not actually a melon, they are a member of the cucumber family. They grow as a vine and are quite easy to grow. In fact, they have been known to re-seed themselves throughout the garden season and even pop up here and there as a surprise the following garden season. Cucamelons are fun and a bit whimsical! There's just something about mini-melons perfectly sized for a wee little mouse that make your heart smile within the garden. How to Grow Cucamelons: Cucamelons can easily be direct sowed after the frost. They enjoy Full Sun and Love the Heat. Cucamlons are a vine, therefore you will want to provide a sturdy structure or trellis for climbing as it grow. When To Pick Cucamelons When to Pick Cucamelons is Easy. Wait until about the Size of a Grape. Simply Pick Off the Vine. Pop it in your mouth at that moment, or give it a good rinse under water to prepare it for this evening's meal! For More Tips on When to Pick Cucamelons, VISIT OUR HARVEST GUIDE! Cucamelon Taste Like: Cucamelons have a very unique taste. A mix between a cucumber with a slight hint of lemon. They are entirely edible, juicy, and can be eaten fresh, cooked, or even pickled! (just don't eat the black ones) Cucamelon Nutrition: Cucamelons are quite nutritious! They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Known to lower the risk of many health issues such as stroke, heart disease and some cancers! ENJOY OUR SIMPLE HARVEST GUIDE Are you ALWAYS Searching for How to Harvest & How to Pick Your Veggies? These two questions we found ourselves asking. We wanted Simple Answers without All the fluff. That’s when “Pick Your Carrots” was Created. A creation to help others easily learn the basics of when and how to harvest food in the garden. Head on over to PICK YOUR CARROTS and BookMark Us For Easy Access!

By |September 18th, 2021|Categories: Garden|Tags: |1 Comment

How to Propagate Air Plants

Are you wondering How to Propagate Air Plants, commonly known as Tillandsia. There's nothing more exciting than seeing your beautiful Air Plant growing a lil' baby pup! When it's time to separate her from her momma you are bewildered as to what to do. Well I'm here to help ease your confusion. How to Propagate Air Plants Air Plants produce Pups after their cycle of Bloom. Propagating offsets commonly known as pups from their mother Tillandsia air plant is quite simple! After the offset pup is about 1/3 of the size in comparison to it's mother is the best time to propagate. You'll simply need a sharp knife. Yes, I know....a sharp knife against your beloved air plant can be quite scary, but I promise it's OK! Step by Step: How to Propagate Air Plants Firmly Grip the Mother Air Plant IF INTERESTED, HERE ARE THE PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN THE BLOG Propagating Your Air Plant May Seem Scary, but it's OK! Cut off Pup, I like to make sure I have a bit of brown root bottom on both the pup and the momma plant Welcome to the World Little Pup! you are now going to grow big and strong just like your momma. One thing to Note: Propagating is a choice. What I mean by this, is by all means you do not have to propagate your air plant. You can simply let the pups grow, which will create a larger clump type of a air plant with offsets. Propagation is a beautiful way to extend your Family of Air Plants! Learn HOW TO WATER YOUR AIR PLANTS at THIS BLOG

By |September 18th, 2021|Categories: House Plants|Tags: , |0 Comments

Zinnias; Your Guide to The Colors of Summer

There's just something about Zinnias, almost as if they represent the coming of Summer!Summertime Colors, Summertime Happiness....over and over again. That patch of endless colorful flowers you see wisping in the wind, I betcha they are Zinnias! The Zinnia is also known as the Cut & Come Again Flower, meaning simply as it state, you cut and they come again...more Summer color! photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC What Are Zinnias: Zinnias are Easy to Grow Single Stem Flowers Zinnias sizes range from 12" to 36" and blooms also vary in size Zinnias come in an array of colors from red, pink, yellow, white and even green Zinnias are Cut and Come Again Flowers Zinnias are Easily Grown from seed, here is a huge pack of 500 seeds! Zinnias are Annual Flowers Zinnias are Deer Resistant photography by: Simply Living NC How To Care For Zinnias: Zinnias Prefer Full Sun, however I'm here to tell ya mine do just fine in partial sun. Simply Plant the Zinnia Seeds, Many say to thin the Zinnias however I do not Water Love Them In Return They will Love You Back by Providing You With a Rainbow of Summer Colors! Don't be Afraid to DeadHead Your Zinnias, I promise it won't hurt them...It will Help Them! Don't be Afraid to Cut Them and Enjoy Them Indoors as Cut Flowers, they will Come Again! photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC Where To Plant Zinnias: In a Zinnia Patch dedicated just for them Plant them within a flower bed border You may also plant Zinnias in a Raised Bed Some have even planted Zinnias in Containers or Pots photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC Zinnia Tips: Try to Water At the Bottom, Water On their Leaves Can Cause Powder Mildew Plant In a Location Easily Accessed Because You Will Indeed Want to Photograph Them! Enjoy The Beautiful Butterflies, They are a Bonus to the Beautiful Colors Save their Seeds to Plant Next Season Have fun adding Zinnias in your Lifestyle, this Super Cute Zinnia Purse Will Add some FUN! I end this blog by saying, plant a Rainbow of Colors...Plant Some Zinnias they will be Your Rainbow of SummerTime in the Sunshine! I'd love to hear all about your Love of Zinnias in a Comment below!PEACE, LOVE & HAPPY PLANTING,~Erin IF INTERESTED, HERE ARE THE PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN THE BLOG

By |September 1st, 2021|Categories: Garden|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Get Rid of Fire Ants and Treat Bites & Stings with 4 simple products

Have you ever stepped on a fire ant mound? I know I have!I'm here to tell you How to Get Rid of Fire Ants and Treat Bites & Stings with 4 simple products!MY FAVE 4 PRODUCTS WITH EASY PURCHASE LINKS BELOW.... Get Rid of Fire Ants and Treat Bites & Stings with 4 simple products It's a warm sunshiny day and you are having the time of your life feeling the green grass or sand beneath your feet....then bam outta nowhere you are in intense pain! That mound of what appeared to just be dirt or sand was full of the dreaded most painful fire ants! What is a Fire Ant?Living in Coastal North Carolina, I know all too well what a Fire Ant is.Fire Ants are very aggressive ants originally brought to the US from Brazil back in the 1930's.Now these awful ants have spread throughout the Southeastern parts of the Country.They are reddish brown, strong, aggressive and will do just about anything to defend their colony. What does a Fire Ant Nest or Colony Look Like?A fire ant nest / colony looks like a mound of dirt or sand.The mound has no openings as the typical ant nest has.Some mounds if left undisturbed will grow up to 18 inches tall!It's been noted that the workers will even float their mound during a flood to safe dry grounds to protect their colony. Gross, but true! Fire Ant Mound Simply Looks like a Pile of Dirt or Sand. Some Small, Some Very Large A FIRE ANT MOUNT UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. LOOK CLOSELY YOU CAN SEE THE LITTLE DEVILS! How do I Get Rid of a Fire Ant Nest?Easy, one simple product!I have tried every product on the market, yet THIS PRODUCT Works!A simple sprinkle and they are gone! Seriously it's the best!It is a bit stinky though, but well worth the smell. THIS PRODUCT TRULY IS THE BEST, FIRE ANTS WILL BE GONE! SIMPLY SPRINKLE THE PRODUCT AND WAIT! What does a Fire Ant Bite/Sting Feel Like and Look Like?A Fire Ant Sting actually starts with their bite.They grasp on to their prey and then proceeds to sting multiple times within a circular motion until the prey/victim either removes the ant or death can even occur if not removed by sensitive individuals or animals. Their bite/sting feels like being burned or stung. Very very very painful!The sting will then swell as an itchy bump, which in a couple days will turn into a hard pimple puss filled looking raised bump. Throughout this time it is very itchy and very painful!It's best to avoid scratching to prevent infection. How do I Treat a Fire Ant Bite/Sting?Treatment can vary, however I have found for myself (please note, I am not a medical advisor, please consult your physician)That being said, for me I have found the perfect simple combination of products to battle the bite/sting WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER APPLY THIS SIMPLE ANTI/PAIN & ITCH SWAB THERE AFTER, ALTERNATE WITH

Applesauce Strawberry Milkshake Easy Recipe made with nonperishable ingredients

Applesauce Strawberry Milkshake? Absolutely! This Easy Recipe made with nonperishable ingredients will leave you thinking....Why didn't I think of that! So freshening, perfect for kids or adults! Perfect for those hot Summer days on the back porch or cuddles by the fire on Fall Days. Made with products you may already have in your home pantry, or can easily purchase through Amazon! You're gonna love this applesauce strawberry milkshake! photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC HOW TO MAKE APPLESAUCE STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKES with nonperishable ingredients: INGREDIENTS & SUPPLIES NEEDED: (printable recipe at the bottom of the blog)THE FUN PART IS ALL SUPPLIES INCLUDING APPLESAUCE CAN BE PURCHASED AT AMAZON!I'VE INCLUDED EASY PURCHASE LINKS BESIDE EACH ITEM BELOW. NINJA FOOD PROCESSOR (THIS IS THE ONE I USE, I'VE LINK IT FOR EASY PURCHASE) DRINK SHAKER (SIMILAR TO THIS ONE) 4 PACKS OF FROZEN STRAWBERRY APPLESAUCE (I PURCHASE MY APPLESAUCE HERE) POWDERED DRY MILK (SIMILAR TO THIS) ICE CUBES OR CRUSHED ICE Water BENDY STRAWS photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC FREEZE 4 Packs Mott's Applesauce OvernightCut off the top to easily remove frozen applesauce into Ninja Food Processor. photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC Add Milk, Water & Ice to Drink Shaker.Shake Well. photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC Blend Frozen Applesauce until Smooth.Add Shaken Milk.Continue to Blend until desired consistency. photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. Simply Living NC Applesauce Strawberry Milkshake Easy Applesauce Strawberry Milkshake with non-perishable items. Ninja Food Processor or BlenderMason Jars or DrinkwearDrink ShakerStraws 4 pouches Mott's Strawberry Applesauce (FROZEN)1/2 cup Powdered Non-Fat Milk1 cup Wateras desired Ice Cubes Freeze 4 Applesauce Pouches the Night BeforeCut Open the Bottom of Each Frozen PouchPlace Frozen Strawberry Applesuace in Ninja Food ProcessorAdd Dry Milk to 1 Cup of Water & Ice as Desired Drinksapplesauce, easy recipe, milkshake, nonperishable, strawberry IF INTERESTED, HERE ARE THE PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN THE BLOG

Roasted Parmesan Parsley Potatoes Recipe; harvested fresh garden to table

My Roasted Parmesan Parsley Potatoes Recipe harvested fresh from the garden to table is one of my faves! It's an easy recipe that is simply perfect for your new from the garden potatoes. I'll also be including my optional dipping sauce, so stay tuned until the very end!First let me tell ya, if you can Grow Your Own Potatoes, it will be even tastier and oh how proud you will be to say "hey I grew these potatoes" If you'd like to learn how, Enjoy My Grow Potatoes in Grow Bags Blog photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC You're Gonna Love this Recipe: Roasted Parmesan Parsley Potatoes harvested fresh garden to table! If you have never ever had freshly grown potatoes, I highly recommend you give them a try!If you are reading this in early Spring, there's still time! Make certain to check out my how to grow potatoes blog. Oh and that cute little colander is simply a life saver in the garden!As you can see it goes from gather to rinse. This Colander is truly the BEST!I have both the Mini Size Harvest Colander and the Large Size Harvest Colander for bigger harvests. photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC DON'T FORGET.....always scrub scrub scrub a dub dub your potatoes!I have found the best way to scrub my potatoes and other veggies is with THIS CUTE LIL' BRUSH! photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC INGREDIENTS: POTATOES PARSLEY FLAKES (FRESH OR DRIED) LIGHT OLIVE OIL PARMESAN (FRESH OR PRE-PACKAGED) SALT (I ENJOY PINK SALT) MY FAVE COOKING SUPPLIES MENTIONED:with easy purchase links..... BAKING SHEET WITH CRISPER PAN POTATO VEGGIE SCRUBBY BRUSH PYREX GLASS BOWLS GATHERING GARDEN COLANDER PERFECT WHISK Roasted Parmesan Parsley Potatoes Recipe: WASH THOROUGHLY CUT POTATOES IN CUBE TYPE BITES PREHEAT YOUR OVEN AT 425 DEGREES (depending on your oven) WHISK ALL INGREDIENTS IN A COVERED BOWL (these glass bowls are similar but more beautiful!) SHAKE THE BOWL, TURN UPSIDE DOWN TO COAT THE POTATOES PLACE POTATOES IN A SINGLE LAYER ON BAKING SHEET (I love this crisper sheet pan) BAKE FOR 30-45 MINUTES SPRINKLE WITH PARMESAN THE LAST 15 MINUTES THE FOLLOWING DIPPING SAUCE IS OPTIONAL *(BALSAMIC VINEGAR, OLIVE OIL, PARSLEY FLAKES, MINCED GARLIC) (TO SEE AND PRINT FULL RECIPE, CONTINUE BELOW ) photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC photography by: Erin S. of Simply Living NC Roasted Parmesan Parsley Potatoes EASY ROASTED PARMESAN PARSLEY POTATOES FRESHLY HARVESTED FROM GARDEN TO TABLE. POTATOES3 tbsp GRATED PARMESAN CHEESE2 tbsp PARSLEY FLAKES1/2 cup OLIVE OILSALT TO TASTE PRE-HEAT OVEN TO 425WASH POTATOESCUT POTATOES IN CUBESMIX ALL INGREDIENTS IN COVERED BOWLTOSS POTATOES IN MIXTUREBAKE POTATOES

By |March 12th, 2021|Categories: Simple Recipes|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

How to Grow Potatoes in Bags, Containers and Small Spaces

Did you know how to Grow Potatoes in Bags, Containers and Small Spaces?Quite possibly you didn't even realize you could! I'm here to tell you indeed you can, and I'm gonna show you how in a few easy peasy steps! It's EASY to Grow Potatoes in Bags, Containers and Small Spaces! I'm gonna show you how to! FIRST STEP: Purchase your seed potatoes.What is a seed potato?Potato tubers or seed potatoes are grown and sold online by garden centers to be certified of diseases.They are grown specifically for producing more potatoes.It is not advised to try to grow a potato from your local grocery store. SUPPLIES YOU WILL NEED: SEED POTATOES ( HERE IS AN EASY OPTION ) A GOOD QUALITY POTTING SOIL ( I LIKE THIS SOIL ) GROW BAGS ( I USED THESE GROW BAGS ) WHEN TO PLANT POTATOES & IMPORTANT TIPS:This is determined by your zone.I am in Zone 8b in North Carolina and found it's best to start my potatoes in late March.It typically takes 3-4 months of growing time for potatoes.They need around 6-8 hours of direct sunlight and regular watering, however not overwatering.As they grow, you will need to continue to top off the soil to keep your potatoes covered at all times. SECOND STEP:Prepare your soil.I like to use THIS Soil where I easily purchased on Amazon.Fill your Grow Bags with soil.You may be wondering why I use grow bags verses containers?Quite simple, they are easy to move around with the handy handles, they are easily stored each year, and I have to say they are quite cute sitting upon my little garden stool!I have found these grow bags work best for me! They are sturdy, and very affordable. THIRD STEP:Prepare your seed potatoes.Not much prep is needed, however you can cut each seed potato if you choose.I personally find it easy to just plant each seed potato as is.Plant 3-4 seed potatoes per grow bag. FOURTH STEP:Watch them Grow!Water, however do not over water.Make certain they are in a sunny spot.Cover with Netting if Needed. ( I used This Netting ) FINAL STEP:Harvest Time is SO much Fun!When the potatoes start dying back is when I have found it to the perfect time to harvest.I like to grab my handy dandy much loved wheel barrow by worx which I absolutely adore!If you don't have one of these for all of your garden needs, I highly suggest it!Now simply pour each bag into your wheel barrow and start digging, feeling around the soil for buried potato treasures. It's so much fun! Almost like a child digging in the sand for treasures! Cook, and Eat Your Potatoes or Store in a Cool Dry Place.My FAVE Recipe is my Roasted Potatoes Recipe Thanks a bunch for enjoying my blog, I hope you'll Follow Along!I hope I've helped to inspire you to:"make memories, live simply & follow the sun!” If you are interested in Professional Photography on the Coast of NC, don't forget to

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